We’ve had an unbelievable week here at Pro Elite, paired with a few bittersweet moments.
Coach Tom, who has been with us coaching for over 8 years now, has started the transition from leading two of our most popular venues on the weekends to working full-time in the office as our Academy Co-ordinator.
Bittersweet because although this weekend he will be coaching his last sessions and his presence will be missed, he is making a huge leap in his personal career journey and this will allow us to further allocate resources to developing the Academy from a back-end point of view.

And from myself, I have been busy this week across a number of projects here at Pro Elite.
We are designing our new season kits and have two prototypes in the works. I have been active across our sessions this week, delivering on Tuesday and overseeing for the rest of the week. I have been working with Coach H to develop our session plans for this weekend (for those of you who aren’t aware, Coach H designs our 18 months – 3 & 3 to 5 year old sessions and I develop from 5 – 7 and above).
have 6 new franchise discovery calls booked in across Friday to Sunday and have been working with Kristina to create new content for our Franchisees to be able to use to market their sessions.
Paired with my time at Arsenal, this week has been full on yet fulfilling.
I can’t wait for an action packed weekend, inspiring our superstars and seeing our fantastic sessions in action.
Coach Ali