Football doesn’t have to finish when you leave our sessions. Playing fun football based activities at home with your child is a great way for them to practice their skills, and also for you and your child to bond.
Here are some ideas for new activities to try:
1. Hallway Football
This game is easy to play anytime. During the weekend, or the week, when you want something to do with your child, all you have to do is go to your hallway.
What you need: A small football, futsal or just a small plastic ball, plus masking tape. Needs at least two players.
How to play: If you don’t have the luxury of a garden area or outside space, simply set up goals at the opposite ends of the hallway by placing masking tape on the floor. Try to make the teams as fair as possible, and grab a small softball, and get playing!
Great for: Ball control and all-round fitness.
2. Bouncer Challenge
A game for outdoors, that focusses on ball control, and is such a good game to play when you want to tire your child out.
What you need: Two footballs, another player, and a space big enough to run around in.
How to play: Start by choosing a dribbler, and a bouncer. The goal of the dribbler will be to hang onto the ball (with their feet) by either shielding the ball or of course dribbling. The bouncer’s role is to chase the dribbler around, second football in hand, and use it to attempt to knock the dribbler’s ball from their feet. Once this has happened, the roles switch!
Great for: Developing agility, ball control, and using the upper body to shield the ball.
3. Knee Football
A game to play indoors for the whole family. It’s very similar to a normal game of football, the adults of the house can get involved too, playing with just their knees!
What you need: At least two cones or cone-like objects (for a goal), an open space and more than one player!
How to play: Similar to hallway football, you’ll need to find an open space in your home that just needs to mildly resemble a football pitch. Then, clear away anything that could potentially be bumped into and cause injury, or be smashed by a flying football. As you and other older players will be on their knees during the game, it’s a good idea to play on softer surfaces, i.e carpeted spaces.
Great for: Ball control, all-round fitness and family bonding!
4. Gate Race Challenge
A fun, frenetic game that will almost certainly expand that pent up energy that comes from sitting around all day. It’s a game that involves tackling and general contact.
What you need: A football, eight cones (or cone sized objects), a space big enough to run around in, and ideally another person.
How to play: Set up the cones or cone-like objects to create four gates. The first player begins the game by dribbling through each gate. With every gate entry, the ball dribbler receives one point. Whilst this is happening, the second player counts to ten. Once this countdown is complete, that player can chase the dribbling player and try to tackle them. When the ball is won back, it is then the second player’s turn to collect points by dribbling the ball through the gates, with the first player counting to ten and attempting to tackle the dribbling player. Keep count of your score and first to 20 wins!
Great for: Developing ball dribbling and tackling skills
5. Wall Ball
An easy game played in school playgrounds, but can be played at home. There are also different variations of the game, so there will be one that suits everyone.
What you need: A football and a flat vertical surface (fence, wall)
How to play: Fairly simple. Kick the ball against the wall and work hard to control it before it flies past you.
Variations to the game of Wall Ball:
· Use a different part of your body to control the ball with each return. Start with each foot, followed by your thigh, then knee, then chest, completed by the head.
· Throw the ball to the very top of the wall or fence to practice your ball control or alternately, shape upon your volleying technique.
· Get siblings or other family members involved and make it competitive. A point is lost if the ball stops moving during their turn.
Great for: Ball control, working you
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