Father2Father who are a community interest company, were kind enough to supply our superstars who attended our camps this week with lunches! Each bag consisted of a sandwich, fruit, drink and even a treat! They were also even kind enough to gift us some groceries for the parents to take home which is such an amazing thing to do! It was such a lovely gesture!
Who Are Father2Father?
Father2Father are an amazing organisation who’s mission is to increase the proportion of children who grow up with involved, responsible fathers and male role models! They reached out to us to to supply lunches to our superstars and we couldn’t be happier to accept it! It was so kind of them and we are extremely grateful and so were all of our wonderful children! When the food arrived it was so exciting for the children to see what lovely surprises they had for lunch!

It is such an amazing charity and they help out so many people, we couldn’t be prouder that they wanted to work with us over the course of the week! Also on the final day of camp they were kind enough to bring some groceries for parents to take home! They know that times may be tough for parents so they wanted to help them out too. When we told the parents they were so appreciative and grateful! We want to give a massive shoutout to everyone at Father2Father for their kindness.
“These lunches are so nice! Thank you so much Father2Father I really appreciate it! I especially love the Juice it is amazing!
One Of Our Superstars!

Check out their website below for more information about them!
Our camps were bursting with fun this week! It was such an amazing week! Both our Football and Multi-Activity Camps were on! Both were equally as wonderful! Check out what we get up to at Camp!
Thank you once again to Father2Father, we love the work you do and are so thankful you wanted to work with us! We would love to work with you again in the future! We cannot tell you how much we appreciate it!