There are so many ways that each child can improve! At home is an amazing opportunity to help your little superstar improve their ability and confidence! At home is a perfect time to practice football, plus it gives you a chance to spend quality time with your child in an enjoyable distraction-free setting! So make the most out of these top tips to improve your superstar at any age, from toddlers to teams!

1: Be Patient!
Not every child will be amazing at football instantly, these things take a lot of time and effort, so be patient with your little superstar! The more they practice, gradually you will see improvements in their ability and confidence, so at their sessions, they will thrive and be able to input everything they have learned with you!
2: Go over what they learn in their football sessions!
During their sessions they will learn so many fundamental skills that they can use at football, when at home you can reinforce those skills. By doing this when they get to their sessions they will understand and be able to carry out these tasks with confidence. Whether its little kicks or kick ups, anything done in a Pro Elite session can be practiced at home!
3: Use the same words the coaches use!
During a Pro Elite session, listen to the specific words the coaches use. Our coaches will use specific words when explaining an activity, if you also use those words then your little superstar will find it easier to understand. An example would be saying ‘squash your football’ instead of ‘put your foot on top’. This is because it will allow them to understand the terminology a lot easier as they will be used to it!
4: Encouragement is key!
Encouragement from your parent is a vital part of progression! If you encourage and praise your child for each thing they do well then it will mean they will want to do it more and more! Words such as ‘fantastic’ or ‘brilliant’ you will hear when we are coaching. Saying these words offers so much for each of our superstars to keep going and persevering.
5: Football needs to be FUN!
We don’t want anyone to get bored of football! When practicing at home try and make it as fun as you can. This will make your child want to keep playing each and every day as they get so much enjoyment out of it! All it takes is 10 minutes a day! That equates to 60 hours each year, in 60 hours the amount of improvement could be astonishing!
6: Don’t force it!
Sometimes football might not be the first thing your child wants to do. In this case, keep some footballs around the house, and each time they use it show encouragement. The worst thing you can do is force them to play and they fall out of love with it! If there is a point where this happens, take a break and ease them back into football.
Using these 6 top tips will allow your superstar to thrive in their own setting, where they feel most confident. As time goes on you will naturally see the progression. Then they will take this into their football sessions, to show off the skills they have perfected at home! That is something to be proud of!
Want an easy but affective football drill to do at home? Click Here!
Find the perfect sessions for your superstar to get their football journey started here!